The "Make Install" command does not work ... Why?

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at
Wed Jul 6 23:59:08 UTC 2005

Rashan Jibowu wrote:

> Whenever I type: make install  or  make <whatever>
> I get the following error message "   *** No rule to make target 
> 'install'. Stop.   "
> What does this mean and how can get the make command to work correctly?
> I'm using the latest stable release of Fedora Core 4.
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The "make" program looks for a file named one of
in the current directory. If none is found, then it displays
that message. Or if it finds one, but no rule to make the
listed target is present in the file, then it displays that


This message made from 100% recycled bits.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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