jpilot-icalendar compile failure (gtk vs. gtk+/gtk2)

Matt Morgan minxmertzmomo at
Mon Jun 13 21:22:10 UTC 2005

I'm having more trouble than I expected getting data from an iCal
calendar onto my Palm Treo.

Does anyone know of an rpm for jpilot-icalendar
( I have FC3, by the

If not, I could use some help with compiling it, which is failing on
my computer. After installing everything else "configure" wants, I get
this far:

checking for GTK - version >= 1.2.0... no
*** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found
*** If GTK was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the GTK_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to gtk-config.
configure: error: *** GTK >= 1.2.0 not installed - please install first ***

I do have gtk installed, but in the forms of gtk+-1.2.10-33 and
gtk2-2.4.14-3.fc3. I looked for and did not find any gtk-config file.


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