Is it worth installing FC4?

Wong Kwok-hon kwokhon at
Sat Jun 18 18:02:07 UTC 2005

On 6/18/05, Pedro Lobo <palobo at> wrote:
> Hi all, I want to install linux on an extra PC that I have in order to learn
> I already have FC3 but then read the news about FC4 coming out and held out
> on installing until I got FC4. I have however read that many have problems
> and complaints about FC4. 
> Can anybody let me know if it's worth waiting a bit longer for a newer build
> of FC4 or should I install FC3 instead or is it ok to install FC4.
> Thank's for any and all info
> Cheers,
> Pedro.


I think that it is not the right time to installation the new versio
because some bugs found in FC4 even in installation. In FC3, it is
becaome stable and doesn't any good reason to install a new one. But
if u want, u can wait for a little big while and let the FC4 become

Wong Kwok Hon

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