Anyone managed typing @ with Swedish keyboard on FC4?

Tony Nelson tonynelson at
Tue Jun 21 17:33:40 UTC 2005

At 7:13 PM +0200 6/21/05, Bo Berglund wrote:
>On 21 Jun 2005 10:11:40 +0200, "Lars E. Pettersson" <lars at>
>>To answer your question in the subject; yes, works perfectly for me on
>>three different computers.
>>Not sure I can help you though. But have you tried to run
>>system-config-keyboard? Have you made any changes in Kde/Gnome regarding
>I just installed FC4 from the CD:s I downloaded from Chalmers and
>during that process I told it I had a Swedish keyboard. ...

Is this the install on VirtualPC where you were having trouble with it
taking the Alt key?

>In the menu on the desktop I managed to find where I can add a second
>keyboard layout (US) and when I activate that I am able to type @ and
>the other characters but then not ÅÄÖ åäö anymore.. :-(
>So now I can switch between two different keyboards but they both are
>unable to type certain characters. Not so really good.

If this installation was done on VirtualPC, I expect that there is still
some confusion about the Alt key.  Even if VPC isn't stealing it now,
perhaps the keyboard software is set up as if it were and is using some
other key, or has none set at all.  I don't know what software that would
be, whether directly associtated with the keyboard or something in X.
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at>
      '                              <>

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