yum - lack of features

John Summerfied debian at herakles.homelinux.org
Wed Jun 29 08:50:33 UTC 2005

Rahul Sundaram wrote:

>> I maintain several machines remotely: several debian. one FC3.
>> Debian, of course, uses apt-get, and apt get supports download-only. 
>> So I run a nightly cronjob to download needed updates.
>> Yum only supports download-and-install. I have the clear impression 
>> that yum is slower than apt-get even without having to wait for 
>> downloads to occur, but as it stands and without making allowances, 
>> yum is way slower.
> It has been pointed already yumdownloader exists within yum-utils in the 
> Fedora Extras repository and yum in Fedora Core 4 has significant 
> performance improvements.
> regards
> Rahul
Rahul & Chris

I've been through downloading this from here, that from there and 
generally it leads to pain. At one point I had  a working but borked (as 
in essentially unmaintainable) Debian system through adding 
complementary repositories any of which could provide updates for any 
package on my system.

That aside, I was discussing FC3, not FC3 plus this and plus that, nor 
FC4. Having seen and used FC3 I'm not sure I'm ready for 4:-)

Installing and using yumdownloader or apt-get may paper over some 
cracks, but the cracks are still there. When discussing Linux 
distributions, one can't really count anything that's not part of the 
actual distribution. I know some distros are part CD (or DVD) and part 
download: Debian and Ubuntu are both like this, but AFAIK FC3 is what's 
on the DVD image I downloaded.



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