How to copy NTFS partition?

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Mon Jun 6 01:04:01 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 00:49 +0200, Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:
> On 6/5/05, Steve Snyder <swsnyder at> wrote:
> > When FC4 is released I'm going to replace my hard disk in the course of
> > upgrading my OS.  Moving/upgrading the ext3/ReiserFS partitions is easy,
> > but I also have Win2K installed on one of the partitions.
> > 
> > Is there a way using Linux utilities to copy the NTFS partion from one
> > hard disk to another?  The partition size will stay the same but the
> > postion on the disks will be different.
> I've never done this, but you could try taking a binary snapshot of
> the partition using "dd", then creating the corresponding partition on
> the target disk and restoring the snapshot using "dd" again, something
> like:
> 0. NTFS partition to be copied is /dev/hdaX
> 1. dd if=/dev/hdaX of=/path/to/snapshot
> 2. fdisk the new disk NTFS target partition as /dev/hdaY
> 3. dd if=/path/to/snapshot of=/dev/hdaY

It probably would be better to use ghost 4 linux (g4l) to copy the ntfs
partition.  Using dd will do an exact binary copy byte-for-byte of the
partition but may not be what is wanted (and may not boot afterward)  

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