PPTP installation-configuration in FC4?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sun Jun 19 15:25:12 UTC 2005

On Sun, 19 Jun 2005 09:50:59 +0200, Bo Berglund
<bo.berglund at telia.com> wrote:

>I have now installed FC4 Final on my PC and my next task is to get a
>VPN channel up to a remote network where the CVS server (Windows 2000)
>This network is accessible via Microsoft PPTP VPN protocol so I need
>to set this up on FC4. Earlier I did this on FC3 but it was rather
>involved and I am told that it is more or less included inside FC4, so
>I would like to use that capability if possible.
>But being new to Linux/Fedora (the FC3 was an experiment a few weeks
>ago) I don't know how to find my way around the environment so I
>cannot find this item. All I seem to reach is some config screens
>where I can add more NIC:s, but that is not what I want to do...
>If I go here:
>they have FC4 on the sidebar but the link lands on an article about

So I went ahead anyway and performed the suggested actions except
before each rpm download/install I first tested with yum and this
worked partly:

yum install dkms
rpm --install kernel_ppp_mppe-0.0.5-2dkms.noarch.rpm
modprobe ppp-compress-18 && echo success
yum install pptp
yum install libxml libglade
rpm --install php-pcntl-4.3.10-1.i386.rpm
rpm --install php-gtk-pcntl-1.0.1-2.i386.rpm
rpm --install pptpconfig-20040722-6.noarch.rpm

For the last 3 I received warnings about DSA key missing and users and
groups missing.

Now I am stuck at the "run pptpconfig as root" command...
When I enter pptpconfig in the terminal window that I created as user
and then did su - to get to root, the response is:
"command not found"

This happens on the line following the rpm --install of the pptpconfig

Did I miss something obvious here?
Root is supposed to be able to execute pptpconfig, and it is
installed, yet root does not see it????

And I have no idea at all *where* pptpconfig got installed so I cannot
put an explicit path to it either...

Bo Berglund

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