Yum errors

James Bridge james at xmas.demon.co.uk
Wed Jun 22 09:38:56 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-06-19 at 06:01 +0100, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
> >From the Logwatch email message, I deduced that yum was not performing
> nightly updates. A check in yum.log confirmed this.
> So I tried doing a yum update by hand. I got the following errors
> reported:
> Error: Missing Dependency: commons-modeler = 1.0-8 is needed by package commons-modeler-devel
> Error: Missing Dependency: commons-digester = 1.4.1-13 is needed by package commons-digester-devel
> Error: Missing Dependency: commons-fileupload = 1.0-8 is needed by package commons-fileupload-devel
> Error: Missing Dependency: commons-collections = 2.1-12 is needed by package commons-collections-devel
> Error: Missing Dependency: commons-pool = 1.1-3 is needed by package commons-pool-devel
> Error: Missing Dependency: commons-beanutils = 1.6.1-13 is needed by package commons-beanutils-devel
> Error: Missing Dependency: commons-dbcp = 1.1-3 is needed by package commons-dbcp-devel
> 1) How can missing dependencies arise like this?
> 2) What should I do to correct the situation? (Erasing
> commons-modeler-devel et. al. seems logical, but I can't think why
> they are there in the first place)
> 3) Why don't I get notified by email that there was a problem with the
> nightly updates?
> -- 
> Colin Adams
> Preston Lancashire

Yum probably sends email messages to the localsystem mailbox and you
need to set up an extra account in your mail reader (Evolution?) to tell
it to check there.
James Bridge <james at xmas.demon.co.uk>

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