FC3 --> ubuntu --> FC4

James Pifer jep at obrien-pifer.com
Thu Jun 30 17:24:13 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 11:35, Ben Steeves wrote:
> On 6/30/05, James Pifer <jep at obrien-pifer.com> wrote:
> \
> > I'm not even talking about at the same time. If I close my laptop
> > display (or boot up with it closed) I should be able to use my external
> > display at a different resolution. At one time I had FC3 working like
> > this. Windows is able to do it (and no, I'm not interested going back to
> > Windows!).
> The magic piece I think you're missing (at least you didn't mention
> it) is xrandr.  As long as your xorg.conf has both 1280x800 and
> 1280x1024 defined as available resolutions, xrandr ought to be able to
> switch between them easily.  I did this all the time with my IBM T30's
> 1400x1050 LCD, my 1600x1200 CRT, and my 1024x768 projector.  Worked
> perfectly as long as I remembered to change the resolution *before*
> suspending the laptop.

I'm not real sure how xrandr works, but if I run xrandr at a prompt I
get this:
 SZ:    Pixels          Physical       Refresh
*0   1280 x 800    ( 433mm x 271mm )  *60
 1   1024 x 768    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 2    800 x 600    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 3    640 x 480    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 4    640 x 350    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 5    640 x 400    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 6    720 x 400    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 7    832 x 624    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 8   1152 x 768    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 9    848 x 480    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 10  1280 x 720    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
 11  1280 x 768    ( 433mm x 271mm )   60
Current rotation - normal
Current reflection - none
Rotations possible - normal
Reflections possible - none

Where is it even coming up with these resolutions since I only have 2
specified in my conf file? You'll also notice that the resolution I
want, 1280x1024, is not even listed. 

>From a hardware standpoint, the internal controller, or the one that
drives the internal display probably does not support 1280x1024, but the
external controller does. 

For example, if I boot into Windows XP I have different resolution
options depending on which display I'm trying to use. 

Can you give me more specific details on how you're using xrandr?


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