local httpd server setup

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at sterndata.com
Wed Mar 2 13:07:30 UTC 2005

James A. Feister wrote:
> Developing a web page that uses http and cgi.  
> have a full install of fc3.
> Am trying to set up my box so that I may localy
> develop the website in my /home/james/www/ folder with
> all modifications done directly in that folder.  I can
> only test the cgi scripts if they are run on a server.
>  But to  do that I would have to copy the files to my
> /var/www/html dir everytime I updated something.  How
> can I set up a hostname like ´seaport´ that I would
> type into my browser and bring up the site I am
> working on in my /home/james/www/ dir.
> Any insite would be helpfull.

James:  The easiest thing to do is to set up a virtual host for Apache. 
   Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and look at the sample virtual host 
configuration near the bottom of the file. Create a new one called 
"seaport" that points to your working directory. Make sure you set it so 
it's listening only on  Once you've got httpd set, edit 
/etc/hosts and add "seaport" to the list of names for



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