LAN to WAN on FC3

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Mon Mar 7 21:15:20 UTC 2005

Paul Howarth wrote:
| Claude Jones wrote:
|| I'm having a problem understanding exactly what DNS servers
|| should be listed in domain-servers-option - do I list the
|| servers associated with my ISP? Or do I list the wan nic's IP
|| address, which has DNS servers associated with its
|| configuration? 
| You list the DNS servers you want your DHCP clients to use to
| resolve hostnames. If you're running your own DNS server, even
| if only a caching server, I'd use that. Otherwise, your ISP's
| nameservers. 
|| On forwarding and NAT, isn't masquerading only for situations
|| where your own IP is dynamically assigned each time you
|| connect? 
| No, masquerading is for where the addresses on your LAN are not
| to be "seen" by the Internet. This would typically be when you
| are using RFC 1918 private addresses for your LAN (e.g.
| 192.168.x.x). Whether your (external) Internet address is
| static or dynamic doesn't matter. 

I'm going backwards! I entered my ISP's DNS servers in the
dhcpd.conf file since I don't run my own DNS server. At the same
time, I tried to follow the suggestions from the help-file that
Alexander posted to configure forwarding and NAT:

modprobe iptable_nat
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE #in this case
I changed "ppp0" to my 	gateway IP address
service iptables save
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Now, I get the following when I try to start DHCP:
Can't open lease database /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases: Permission
denied -- check for failed database rewrite attempt! 
I tried following some suggestions on this error message I found
which involved manually flushing the dhcpd.leases and
dhcpd.leases~ files, but, my DHCP is still hosed.

All suggestions welcome!

Claude Jones
Levit & James, Inc./WTVS
Leesburg, VA, USA

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