Access Point problem

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Wed Mar 9 22:19:05 UTC 2005

Rick Stevens wrote:
	|Claude Jones wrote:
    	|I see that more explanation is necessary. I do know that
in theory the access 	|point and my LAN are on two different
networks. My Linux box is both router and 	|DHCP controller. 

	||Ah!  That's a help.  One thing...does the Linux box have
two NICs in it?
	||If so, what are they and what IP addresses do you have
on them?

	Two NICS: eth0 is WAN  	eth1 is LAN

Bad diagram: Laptop via wireless---> AccessPoint ----> inside NIC
on Linux box ---> Routed by Linux to outside NIC which is on
broadband direct to the internet.

Question: If my laptop is getting a subnet address
via DHCP from the Linux machine, and the Linux Lan is set to, how is it that the AP which,
presumably is assigned to a different subnet able to pass traffic?
This is what I don't understand. 

	|In theory the Access Point is supposed to be 

	||All D-Link access points -------- discourse on D-LINK 

	SNIP: Info mostly already known, but suggestions noted and
will be taken. 

      ||Well, you could run something like this:

Suggested Script: I haven't run this yet. I want to see what you
might say to these clarifications. 

	||A drawing, perhaps?

                       -----------          --------      --------
WAN (Internet)<-->eth1| Linux Box |eth0<-->| Switch |<-->| Laptop
                      |  (router) |     ^   --------      --------
                       -----------      |       |         ------
                                        |       |<------>| WAP  |
                                        |       |         ------
                    >|         ------
                                                |<------>| Host |

	||Does that sort of look like what you're trying to do? 
	|No. There's no switch. More like this:

                       -----------          --------      --------
WAN (Internet)<-->eth0| Linux Box |eth1<-->| WAP    |<-->| Laptop
                      |  (router) |     ^   --------      --------
                       -----------      |         
Pardon this mangled reply. I got tangled beween a couple of
computers and lost your original post. 

Claude Jones
Levit & James, Inc./WTVS
Leesburg, VA, USA

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