httpd error

Mark Weaver mdw1982 at
Sun Mar 13 20:08:36 UTC 2005

Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Am Fr, den 11.03.2005 schrieb nick um 16:02:
>>I cant see the process running
>>please find enclosed httpd.conf file
> Please avoid top-posting and full quoting.
> The line 487 in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
> Alias /manual "/var/www/manual"
> conflicts with the /etc/httpd/conf.d/manual.conf. So place a # in front
> of the Alias line in the httpd.conf.
> Alexander

I wouldn't think that would be necessary if this is an "out of the box" 
apache installation and config. Normally when this happens with Apache 2 
its because there is a <Directory> container and a <VirtualHost> 
container referencing the same thing and attempting to do the same thing.


I've got the following two containers on my Apache installation. (a) is 
there to be able to utilize .htaccess and (b) is there to support the 
virtual host that I've defined.

<Directory "/var/www/html/fishBoneTech/timesheet">
    AllowOverride All
    Options ExecCGI

DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/fishBoneTech/timesheet"
ServerAdmin webmaster at
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/html/fishBoneTech/timesheet/cgi-bin/

However, "IF" the directory containing the files for this sub-domain 
above were located in the web server's root, "/var/www/html", then I 
would get a similar error as the one you're getting. Because the two 
containers overlap one another. (notice, I said files and *not* a 
directory containing files.)

The above may not be the only way to handle being able to use .htaccess 
for a virtual host, but is the solution I'm using which works very nicely.

you may want to place the files for which your container is referencing 
inside a directory of their own which lives in the web server's root, 
/var/www/html, and then reference that directory with your <Directory> 
container. that should take care of the overlap problem.

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