OT: give advice to MSAccess user

David Curry dsccable at comcast.net
Wed Mar 16 15:57:01 UTC 2005

Duncan Lithgow wrote:

>All advice received - let's look at postgreSQL instead. From the links
>people have posted the most interesting looks like
>http://www.hipergate.org/ which is a 'customer relationship
>manager' (urgg!)
>It looks very powerful and developed - however it's way overkill for
>what I want. I wouldn't mine writing my own front end- except I can't
>and have trouble believing that someone else hasn't made one as a simple
>'contact database' with basic functions like making labels for envelopes
>- I start to wonder if I might be going for overkill even talking about
>using a database. Maybe I should just stick to a spreadsheet?
Spreadsheets are very workable for small-to-fairly large lists.  LDAP 
together with a user friendly app might also meet your needs.

Could you give the list some idea of current and prospective membership 

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