Fedora on an USB external HD

Antonio Montagnani anto.montagnani at virgilio.it
Thu Mar 17 17:07:19 UTC 2005

Paul Howarth mi ha scritto / wrote to me il / on 17/03/2005 17.57:

> Antonio Montagnani wrote:
>> Paul Howarth mi ha scritto / wrote to me il / on 17/03/2005 8.14:
>>> On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 04:26 +0100, pepone pepone wrote:
>>>> if you can't install Fedora directly in your USB hardisk this must be
>>>> because the kernel havent suport for usb-storage.
>>> The kernel used in the FC3 installer is the same as the one that the
>>> resulting installed system uses, and it does support USB. What doesn't
>>> support USB disks is the disk partitioning part of anaconda.
>>>> But you can make and image of and existing instalation into the
>>>> hardrive with a recompiled kernel that's enable suport for your
>>>> hard-drive.
>>> Or you could connect up a drive using an IDE cable, install on to it 
>>> and
>>> then put the drive in an external USB enclosure. You can then follow 
>>> the
>>> instructions at http://www.simonf.com/usb/ to get it booting.
>>> P.S. Please don't top-post on this mailing list.
>>> Paul.
>> tnx
>> I have read the simonf instructions....
>> I have two point that are not clear to me (that is most of it)
>> 1) mkinitrd --preload=ehci-hcd --preload=usb-storage 
>> --preload=scsi_mod --preload=sd_mod /boot/usbinitrd.img 2.6.9-1.667smp
>> Why shall I use 2.6.9-1.667smp??? or what else??
> Whichever is the kernel installed. 2.6.9-1.667smp is the default for a 
> SMP-capable machine in FC3. If you install an updated kernel, use that 
> one instead.
>> 2) If I have to use the modified mkinitrd for usb, what shall I do it???
>> Sorry but newbie to this kind of problems!!!!
> Sorry but I don't understand that question.
> Paul.
I refer to this sentence......
Stanislav Umansky made some corrections 
<http://www.simonf.com/usb/mkinitrd.usb.txt> to the default mkinitrd script
and what shall I do when a new kernel is released.

But the main question is: is the trial worth doing (the Hard disk  is 
still on a shopìs shelf)?? But I would like to boot a laptop with Linux.
Sorry for not be very clear...

Antonio Montagnani

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