What is the best "Real Modem fof Linux" to buy

Michael Scottaline nbhs2 at i-2000.com
Sat Mar 19 05:09:28 UTC 2005

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 06:51:05 +0300
"Kumara" <kumara.jayaweera at damad.com> insightfully noted:

K>Hi all,
K>I am going to buy a modem. before that I appreciate your comments on
K>this. what would be the most suitable modem for FC3? (for serial
K>Interface). what is the brand and model. (Furthermore, I have an idea to
K>experiment an answering machine on it.) How is US Robotics?
I've been using the same USRobotics external modem (ttyS1) for more than
five years and it still works flawlessly.  Never a glitch.  If you're not
going broadband just yet, I don't think you can go wrong with a USR
external modem

"The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life"
--Muhammad Ali

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