do I need all these packages?

James Wilkinson james at
Fri Mar 4 13:17:35 UTC 2005

Knute Johnson wrote:
> I've got FC3 running with no XWindows for a server machine.  I set it 
> up to play with the http, ftp and mail servers.  When I installed it 
> I tried to leave off everything that I didn't need but there appear 
> to be a lot of packages that got in that I don't want or can't use 
> because I don't have X.  The output from rpm -qa is below with some 
> of that packages marked with an *.  Those are the ones I don't think 
> I need or can't use.  I would appreciate any opinions on whether I 
> should keep them or if it is OK to rpm -e em.  If there are any other 
> packages that you think are not needed in a no X server please tell 
> me.

Do you have anything *not* installed via RPM? If not, then rpm -e will
tell you if there's a problem.
> *   fontconfig-2.2.3-5

On my system,
$ rpm -q --whatrequires fontconfig


You should be able to do a lot of this work yourself. If there are any
particular packages you aren't sure about, ask back.


E-mail address: james | Really, *really* bad headlines:  | Drunks Get Nine Months in Violin Case
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