Java Media Framework classpath and Openoffice 2.0

Mike Zingale zingale at
Fri Mar 4 17:21:59 UTC 2005

> Not that I'm holding my breath for office documents with embedded soundtracks ;)

well, for some talks, animations are really necessary, i.e. talks
describing results from computational fluid dynamics simulations.
Currently, I cut out of OOo to a terminal window where I use mplayer to
show these movies (since they were all encoded with mencoder).  Having
them embeded in the presentation is the one feature from powerpoint I
am missing.

>  > > When I try the diagnostic applet linked to there (after restarting
> > mozilla), I get:
> >
> > JMF classes.....Not Found
> Looks like mozilla doesn't know about the CLASSPATH (it's not a global
> variable, but depends on the shell you're in).
> Maybe you set that classpath variable in the mozilla start script or
> the launcher.

There is currently no CLASSPATH in the mozilla script that I see.  I will
play around with adding one explicitly to see what that does.

> I don't think Fedora will be integrating JMF since it's not open
> source and not freely distributable.
> see:

Right, of course, I understand this.  But since there is an effort to make work with gcj and to make a gcj based JRE for the next
Fedora release, I am sure people wanting to take advantage of all of OOo
distributed with FC will want to install JMF themselves to deal with
multimedia.  I am interested in anyones experiences so far.  I will keep
playing with this, and I will post any success as follow-ups.


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