DVD burning - mkisofs max size allowed

Toralf Lund toralf at procaptura.com
Mon Mar 7 08:22:28 UTC 2005

Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:

> On 25 Feb 2005, at 11:19, Toralf Lund wrote:
>> It seems to me that the question is not whether the file fits into 
>> the DVD, but rather if its size fits into the variables used by 
>> mkisofs to address files and/or doing space calculations. ("mkisofs" 
>> is the command used to actually burn the DVD; k3b is just a front-end 
>> to other commands.)
> No. mkisofs is the program used to create the image, while cdrecord or 
> growisofs is the one used to burn that image.

Urgh. Minor slip, there."The program used to create the filesystem", I 
meant to say... But my point remains: The problem appears to be internal 
mkisofs limitations, and not ISO filesystem constraints or anything.

- Toralf

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