linux vs windows boot speed

pepone pepone pepone.onrez at
Tue Mar 8 04:49:46 UTC 2005

Michael A Peteres Row

>Power needs to be conserved as much as possible, and I sure as hell
>would much rather buy a new hard drive a little more often than be part
>of a power drain that causes rolling blackouts to be necessary.

Are you including the power and materials that are needed to build the
new hardisk I think that if you include this tow factors you dont
contribute to the power conserved because is to much expensive build
the new hardisk in terms of Ecology and power.

In a extreme case you must include the power used in all derivated
procces to get this new hardisk.

About linux vs windows boot speed you can configure linux to boot as
you want this is not true for windows microsoft, you can for example
boot in a non graphic mode and this is faster.

but no all is boot speed in my country ther is a popular say "dressing
me slowly that I am in a hurry"
I think that the boot up of windows is most cosistent because the
procces are loaded in a logical order and in ms windows the process
are loaded in order to simulate that all is ready when it isn't.

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