Swish-e remote FC list archive search

David Norris webaugur at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 19:43:29 UTC 2005

On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:53:44 -0500, Mark Weaver <mdw1982 at mdw1982.com> wrote:
> This is just a heads up. The first indexing run of the Fedora Core
> archives ran for over 15 hours and wasn't finished when I was forced to
> kill the process because it was tying up resources on my workstation. I
> was ssh'd into the box doing the indexing.

Perhaps you were running short on RAM?  Are you using the -e option to
limit the RAM requirements?

> If it does then I can easily pass off the configuration to someone with
> far more bandwidth and processor power on a server that is publically
> accessible for the purposes of hosting a remote archive search. Judging
> from the activity level of this list which directly dictates the
> frequency of which the index would have to be refreshed I simply don't
> have the bandwidth or the processing power to host a live remote search
> host for the archives.

Are you using the hypermail indexer to index the archived mailbox
files?  You would create several index files using the list archive
files (https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/).  Then you'd
specify multiple index files at search time.  This way you don't have
to constantly reindex everything.  Do incremental updates every 15
minutes or hour or however often.  Then do a full reindex every month,
week or however often is needed to reduce CPU usage.

Don't hesitate asking questions on the Swish-e mailing list:

 David Norris
  ICQ - 412039

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