Swish-e remote FC list archive search

Mark Weaver mdw1982 at mdw1982.com
Tue Mar 15 22:16:22 UTC 2005

David Norris wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:53:44 -0500, Mark Weaver <mdw1982 at mdw1982.com> wrote:
>>This is just a heads up. The first indexing run of the Fedora Core
>>archives ran for over 15 hours and wasn't finished when I was forced to
>>kill the process because it was tying up resources on my workstation. I
>>was ssh'd into the box doing the indexing.
> Perhaps you were running short on RAM?  Are you using the -e option to
> limit the RAM requirements?

well, actually that is definitely a problem on my server here at the 
house, but I'm also testing the indexing on a far superior machine and 
so far this process has been running for the past 4.5 hours.

>>If it does then I can easily pass off the configuration to someone with
>>far more bandwidth and processor power on a server that is publically
>>accessible for the purposes of hosting a remote archive search. Judging
>>from the activity level of this list which directly dictates the
>>frequency of which the index would have to be refreshed I simply don't
>>have the bandwidth or the processing power to host a live remote search
>>host for the archives.
> Are you using the hypermail indexer to index the archived mailbox
> files?  You would create several index files using the list archive
> files (https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/).  Then you'd
> specify multiple index files at search time.  This way you don't have
> to constantly reindex everything.  Do incremental updates every 15
> minutes or hour or however often.  Then do a full reindex every month,
> week or however often is needed to reduce CPU usage.
> Don't hesitate asking questions on the Swish-e mailing list:
>   http://www.swish-e.org/discuss.html

This is awesome information. guess I hadn't read far enough into the 
Readme file to find out about these things but thank you! I will 
definitely look into this. I wasn't even aware there were such options 
available for Swish-e.

I will have to experiement with the mailing lists I've got going here. 
one is just about as large as the FC archives so it will make a good 
guinea pig.

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