dual boot; remove Windows partitions

James Pifer jep at obrien-pifer.com
Tue Mar 22 20:36:33 UTC 2005

> You are using LVM; there is no need to do anything drastic.
> Change the partition types of hda1 and hda2 to "Linux LVM". Don't delete 
> or merge the partitions together, or you will need to alter your 
> grub.conf file to change partition numbers (not a big job, admittedly).
> Then do:
> # pvcreate /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2
> You will now be able to use "vgextend" to add /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda2 to 
> your existing logical volume (VolGroup00 by default):
> # vgextend VolGroup00 /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2
> "vgdisplay" should then show that you have additional 30G of free space 
> in your volume group, which you can add to your existing logical 
> volume(s), using "lvextend". You can then use resize2fs or ext2online to 
> change the sizes of the ext2/3 filesystems on the logical volume(s) you 
> have made bigger, to make use of the extra space.
> Paul.

Does it matter that hda1 is marked boot or will it not matter?


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