Networking pc-fedora 2 out to internet

Edward edward at
Wed Mar 30 02:22:15 UTC 2005

Jason Lewis wrote:
> Any one knows how to set a laptop running fedora 2 through a cable to an 
> xp pc then onwards onto the internet?
> This setup is so I can update system and then download programs and 
> start finding out how I can harness the power of lienx to my benefit.
> Go gentle with me first forage into linex
> If necessary point me to a website with simple instructions I am in your 
> hands

It is more desirable to have Linux responsible for sharing the 
connection. I'm not sure how Windows XP shares it's connection, but I'm 
sure that after running the Internet Sharing Wizard (or whatever it's 
called) on Windows, it should be just a matter of pumping as 
your DNS server and gateway into your Linux network settings.


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