yum search gvv results are weird

Matt Morgan minxmertzmomo at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 21:56:49 UTC 2005

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 16:25:33 -0500, jim lawrence <fedorajim at gmail.com> wrote:
> I did a yum search gvv and this is what I got...

> Version: rpm-4.3.2 (beecrypt-3.0.0)


> GVv254U4TWdZPO


> Why did i get this Where is it from and is it bad?

'yum search' is just looking for strings of text that match your
search text. The string "GVv" (I guess yum is case-insensitive) exists
in that gpg-key. Eureka! It found the text for you.

Were you trying to search for ggv, the gnome ghostview program? What's "gvv"?

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