Yum update seems to have stalled

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at insight.rr.com
Tue May 3 23:59:21 UTC 2005

Claude Jones wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 May 2005 17:10, Ray Curtis wrote:
>>You might also try:
>>rpm -q --qf "%{NAME}\n" -a | sort | uniq -d | xargs rpm -q
> Very nice - I will spend time to figure out how you did this:
> I have another question: Some of the duplicate packages were real obvious, 
> like this:
> apr-devel-0.9.4-23
> apr-devel-0.9.4-24.2
> But what about something like this:
> boost-devel-1.31.0-9
> boost-devel-1.32.0-5.fc3
> I've not touched any of these types yet. I did remove a bunch in the former 
> category. In this second category there are at least 15-20 of these. 

A great suggestion was made by someone earlier about the multiple 
versions of same packages showing up. The safest thing to do is to
rpm -e package --justdb
the earlier version instead of just rpm -e package. The reason explained 
deals with removing common files between the older and the newer 
version. The newer version probably already updated common files that 
have changed.

Check a few of the packages with the --verify option given to rpm for 
the remaining packages that were not removed to see if they check out 

rpm -q --verify remaining-package


PS - Stopping rpm, up2date or yum before they complete do cause this 
multiple version per upgraded packages currently. The database is 
probably in a state where the database entries were never removed. The 
older packages were probably successfully removed already.

It is much easier to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the 

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