Default lease time in dhclient request?

Toralf Lund toralf at
Fri May 6 19:02:49 UTC 2005

I just noticed that I got

option dhcp-lease-time 60;

in dhclient-wlan0.leases when booting an FC3 box from my wireless 
router. This very short lease time may have caused various problems I've 
had with the network lately.

Now, I thought at first this was a router issue, possibly related to a  
firmware upgrade I did a few days ago, but now I'm not so sure as:

   1. It turns out that if I put
      send dhcp-lease-time <value> ;
      in /etc/dhclient.conf, I will actually get the lease time
      specified in <value>, i.e. the DHCP server seems to be prepared to
      give me whatever lease time I ask for (at least as long as the
      request isn't entirely outrageous.)
   2. It turns out that my latest "yum upgrade" installed a new dhclient

So, what lease time will dhclient request by default? Or won't it 
request anything at all? (Maybe it has to request *something*?) Has the 
behaviour changed lately?

- Toralf

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