Updated FC3 distro cds?

Anthony J Placilla anthony_placilla at SUTH.COM
Fri May 13 19:17:41 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 14:03 -0400, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> Does any one have isos that they could offer of updated FC3 i386 distro? 
> I've seen the process and it's quite a long, bandwidth intensive 
> process, so if someone has alreday done this recently, I'd appreciate if 
> they would make it available.
> What the possibilty of RedHat having a montly updated set of isos 
> offered? Could this process not be automated by someoen in the know?
> Thanks

A repost from an earlier discussion on this list WRT your same question:

"The most reocurring reasons to not respin the isos (that I recall from 
previous discussions):
1 - lots of work (both legal and technical) to prepare the isos and push
them to mirrors (also , if the mirrors were meant to keep the original 
isos and the respins , there's the disk space issue)
2 - probability that the respins would be less tested (since many people
who test the test releases like to live on the edge and after the final 
release , enable the development repository and not the updates-testing)
3 - problematic on the support point of view... with only 1 official iso
set per arch per release , it's already hard to help some people 
sometimes. We end up with lots of questions without any mention to 
necessary details , like version of the package , which release ,
With respins , we add another variable. If the same baseline is kept , 
at least everyone knows what version was in the release before updating 
(which is handy sometimes)"

Tony Placilla, RHCT
anthony_placilla at suth.com


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