FC4 and KDE : my hopes

Matthew Miller mattdm at mattdm.org
Fri May 20 00:41:57 UTC 2005

On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 08:25:05PM -0400, Arthur Pemberton wrote:
> Originally I intended to go on a rant about how old the FC3 available 
> version of KDE is, but I recognize that Fedora is Gnome centric and that 
> I am not contributing financially to the Fedora Project. As such I would 

The FC4 development tree has 3.4.0, which as far as I know is the very
latest. FC3 had 3.3.0 but was shortly updated to 3.3.1. I'm really not sure
what more you coud want.

> PS: It would be nice if rpm building process was a little clearer and 
> simple, and there was a clear mechanism to contribute rpms, in that case 
> I would be more than happy to contribute rpms to lesser popular 
> applications that novices may want.

The Extras project is working on the second part. But the first part would
be a pretty significant amount of work -- making good packages is inherently
a difficult process, and making it more automated would be even more so.

There's *starting* to be better documentation, though.

Matthew Miller           mattdm at mattdm.org        <http://www.mattdm.org/>
Boston University Linux      ------>                <http://linux.bu.edu/>
Current office temperature: 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

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