OT: What's the deal with Ubuntu?

Markus Huber humarfedoralists at yahoo.de
Sat May 21 16:48:13 UTC 2005

Les Mikesell wrote:

> Think of Ubuntu as the first CD of a debian install and
> you'll get the idea.  Fedora could have an equally easy
> to install first CD (or multiple variations) without
> losing any other packages from the network repositories
> or the subsequent CD's if you wanted to install that way.
> However, the fast-changing nature of fedora means that even
> if you do install a program from the CD a few months after
> release there's a pretty good chance that you'll replace the
> whole thing on the first run of up2date or 'yum update'.

Well, if you are "brave", you can do an FTP-install of RawHide:

But still: an FTP-install for FC would be great.

Markus Huber

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