Gnome Web Share tools

John Summerfied debian at
Wed May 4 12:36:31 UTC 2005

Glamous wrote:
> Hi all,
> I use Fedora core 3 and sometimes I want to share my mp3, pdf... with my friend.
> Is there any tools or rpm that can simply share one folder in web
> style to others?
> I know that I can install an Apache or vsftpd, but I conside it's not
> a "Desktop style" way to do the things.

Apple disagrees with you; Apache is installed by default and I have it 
on my Powerbook.

I've been playing a little with mDNSResponder and Howl. Both have 
shocking documentation and obscure syntax:-(

However, this line in /etc/howl/mDNSResponder.conf does tell my Mac 
where to find my pics:
WagtailPictures     _http._tcp   local. 80 path=~summer/pictures

I noticed that Mozilla on Linux picked up my Rendezvous/Bonjour printer, 
so this seems a good way to go.

Those fields need some explanation, and the Howl docs lack it.
First, the name as others will see it. If it has spaces,
"Wagtail pictures"
_http._tcp says it uses http TCP. Other possibilities include

Next is "local." - I think this value is required.

Then the port number. Usually, but not necessarily, you will use the 
standard ports.

After the port there are protocol-dependant values. Start at, and you will want Apple's specs for Rendezvous-compatible 
printers if you want to do printers.

I don't know what Linux software uses this info, but I expect a lot will 
soon. The standards are open, and with an mDNSResponder running servers 
can easily publish their services and clients seek their servers.

then, sharing your pics will require you put them in an appropriate 
folder and configure a server (likely Apache) to publish them. Then, 
anyone on the LAN can find them.

> Is there any new project about this?



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Tourist pics

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