How do I enable nightly yum?

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Tue May 17 21:07:43 UTC 2005

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Anthony J Placilla wrote:
>>chkconfig yum on
>>will set the appropriate rc scripts to enable yum to start at boot
>>to actually turn it on you will need to do
>>service yum start
>>one time after you chkconfig'ed it on
> What does it actually mean for yum to be "on"?

chkconfig only creates or destroys the links between the /etc/rc.d/rcX.d
directories and the actual scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d.  "off" destroys
the link (if it existed), and "on" creates the link, but that's all.
The service won't start until the next reboot (when the /etc/rc.d/rcX.d
stuff is processed).  "service yum start" starts it immediately (the
same as doing "/etc/rc.d/init.d/yum start").

> I would have thought a daily (or rather nightly) cron job
> running "yum -y update" would be what most people would want,
> at least on a desktop.

Yes, that's one way.  Don't forget to do "yum -y update >/dev/null 2>&1"
unless you want mail sent to root everytime it runs.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-      A day for firm decisions!!!   Well, then again, maybe not!    -

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