Scripting question, [small programming question

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Mon May 23 17:27:45 UTC 2005

On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 01:19:18PM -0400, Jeff Kinz wrote:
> Good, then the terms are completely interchangeable:
> Can you write a Fortran script? Or an assembly language script?
> How about a C++ script? 

This is a lovely discussion and all, but it's kinda pedantic. C'mon, my
Fedora mailbox is hard enough to keep up with as-is. Please accept this
humble plea to drop further debate on the issue, even though technically you
are completely correct, and even I seriously have to bite my tongue to keep
from commenting about Bash. :)

Thanks. :)

Matthew Miller           mattdm at        <>
Boston University Linux      ------>                <>
Current office temperature: 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

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