syslog traffic analyzers

Kenneth Porter shiva at
Thu Nov 3 19:39:08 UTC 2005

--On Thursday, November 03, 2005 1:24 PM -0600 Les Mikesell 
<lesmikesell at> wrote:

> Is there a generic way to do this with iptables without knowing
> what ports are used?  Ntop can group them by port/service but
> will find the activity regardless of the ports used.

No, not if you want to break out every port into its own graph. (Well, you 
could use 128k iptables rules, one per port, but that would likely be a 
performance killer.) But ntop would still be overkill if that's all you 
want. Just grab the header on every packet using libpcap and count the 
ports yourself. ntop is a "full-service" program that's really intended for 
a dedicated router with lots of memory to store state.

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