Is there a relatively easy way to stream audio from a radio on FC4?

Andy Green andy at
Fri Nov 4 09:12:55 UTC 2005

Gilbert Sebenste wrote:

> I required considerable help getting Icecast and Darkice to work. Now
> that they no longer work under FC4, I was wondering: assume a simple
> line-out audio stream into a microphone or line-level jack. How can I
> take that audio and stream it onto the Internet, say with a capacity of
> 100 or so listeners?

DarkIce and Icecast sound like they ARE the solution to your problem.  I
did some tests with them for a customer on an FC4 box and they worked
fine compiled from source.  It sounds like your problems are caused only
by library version differences between the FC3 environment your RPMs
were generated on and those available on the FC4 box.

Looking on that box I tried them on, you need to compile ices as well as

If they provide an SRPM, you can also install that and rebuild it on
your FC4 environment.  But I would probably look at the source tarballs.

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