Installing perl modules on FC4 x86_64

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Mon Nov 7 18:49:55 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-10-20 at 13:20 -0400, David Cary Hart wrote:
> The problem is avoided by installing perl modules from rpms.

Is there a guide on doing this?  (My searches haven't found an answer,
yet.)  For instance, I tried to install the HTML validator from WDG.
They have a FC4 RPM for it [1], so I tried that.

It also wants some perl modules:

I found that out when trying an RPM install of the validator.  I thought
I'd try:

  yum localinstall /path/to/wdg-html-validator-1.6.2-1.i386.rpm

seeing as the docs say that YUM will try and retrieve dependencies from
repos if it can.  But it fails because the last PERL module isn't

In an effort to avoid lots of trouble, I've used YUM to install the
first two from RPMs:

  yum install perl-Unicode-Map8 perl-Unicode-String

Leaving me with the problem of getting perl(I18N::Charset) some other
way before I can install the main program.


RPM is all well and good until you strike this issue.  Even if I do
install the module in another way, the next RPM that insists on its
presence is probably going to fail.  Is there a simple way to inform RPM
that it has been installed?

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