
Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Tue Nov 8 10:00:36 UTC 2005

wwp wrote:

> And if you're not within KDE, simply start kcontrol from xterm.
> Andy, isn't there a way to tell the knotification stuff NOT to use arts but
> another sound system (alsa, esound, etc.)?

I'm afraid I don't know.  Being able to nuke noatun and kaboodle, the
usual cause of spawning artsd accidentally would be nice too.

I'm currently trying Gnome after a long absence due to the unmistakable
Gnomeward bias I am seeing from the major distros (eg, Fedora + SuSE
now)  But even so I find myself drawn to konsole, kate, etc as they are
superior to the Gnome alternatives...


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