Is my hard drive ok ?

John Summerfied debian at
Wed Nov 30 15:24:01 UTC 2005

Franck Y wrote:
> Hello FOlks,
> It a maxtor hard drive.
> I will try to look in maxtor website.
> What do you mean bu the count is stable ?
CRC errors mean a bit of the surface is crook. In years long gone, we 
used to run a utility to "getalt" (get alternate) a replacement track. 
We'd not use such a disk for anything where performance mattered as the 
alternate trackw were on the edge of the disk and it would introduce 
long seeks to the alternate track then back (and probably it made a 
noise, like a drive recallibrating).

These days there's a computer on the drive to worry about things like 
that - defect management - so there's nothing to do.

If the CRC error count is not changing then you are not getting errors now.

As for the vendor utilities, they are all very fine no doubt, but I 
prefer to run smartmon all the time, I get messages about my disks in my 
logs, and it can be set up to send mail when something goes amiss.

You really ought take youself off to the website, it will be very 



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