Looking for an easy way of making a iso DVD

Fritz Whittington f.whittington at att.net
Sat Nov 5 18:52:42 UTC 2005

On or about 2005-11-05 06:25, Paul Smith pulled out a trusty #2 pencil 
and scribbled:

>On 11/5/05, Bob Chiodini <rchiodin at bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>Can you post it or a link to it?  I'd be interested in seeing how it was
>Sure, Bob:
># ---------------------------------------------------
># Script to create bootable ISO in Linux
># usage: make_iso.sh /tmp/slax.iso
># author: Tomas M. <http://www.linux-live.org>
># ---------------------------------------------------
>if [ "$1" = "" -o "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ]; then
>  echo "This script will create bootable ISO from files in curent directory."
>  echo "Current directory must be writable."
>  echo "example: $0 /mnt/hda5/slax.iso"
>  exit
># isolinux.bin is changed during the ISO creation,
># so we need to restore it from backup.
>cp -f boot/isolinux.bi_ boot/isolinux.bin
>if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>   echo "Can't recreate isolinux.bin, make sure your current directory
>is writable!"
>   exit 1
>mkisofs -o "$1" -v -J -R -D -A "$CDLABEL" -V "$CDLABEL" \
>-no-emul-boot -boot-info-table -boot-load-size 4 \
>-b boot/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux.boot .
And in FC4, isolinux.bin is found in /usr/lib/syslinux, presuming that 
you have installed the syslinux RPM.

Fritz Whittington -- TI Alum -- http://www.tialumni.org
"He not busy being born is busy dying." --Bob Dylan

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