why are single quotes printed as Gamma C cedilla O umlaut?

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Tue Oct 4 00:59:10 UTC 2005

At 7:01 PM -0400 10/3/05, sean wrote:
>Tony Nelson wrote:
>> At 2:13 PM -0400 10/2/05, sean wrote:
>>>if I lpr a text file the open single quotes three characters:
>>>Capital greek gamma ; uppercase C with a cedilla ; lowercase
>>>y with an umlaut
>>>Close singe quotes are :
>>>Capital greek gamma ; uppercase C with a cedilla ; uppercase
>>> O with an umluat.
>>>Open double quotes are:
>>>capital greek gamma; uppercase C with a cedilla ; english
>>>sterling sign
>>>Close double quotes are:
>>>capital greek gamma; uppercase C with a cedilla ; yen sign
>>>less shows the text correctly. I'm on fc4.
>> You have some sort of mismatch with the charset (usually language
>> settings).  The text file is in Unicode UTF-8, which less is expecting,
>> while lpr or the printer is using some old 8-bit codepage (Microsoft calls
>> it OEM 437).  Try to get lpr or the printer onto the same page, accepting
>> UTF-8.  Check man lpr and the CUPS documentation it links to; possibly
>> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf has a DefaultCharset set away from the default
>> "utf-8".  Or maybe it's some other part of CUPS.
>Ok. set ( really uncommented ) cupsd.conf DefaultCharset
>utf-8   ( which is supposed to be the default).  Restarted cups.

I take it that didn't change anything?

>> Also, whatever made the text file has "smartened" the quotes; being a
>> computer and having no smarts at all, the result is bad even when displayed
>> "properly".
>The text is the ssh_config man page - man ssd_config | lpr.
>Same result.

Yeah, man bash has the same problem: a "smart" formatting package changes
the literal single and double ASCII quotes in the source to something
prettier for man to display.
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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