Palm T5 syrc with Evolution, not with calendar

Yuandan Zhang yzhang4 at
Wed Oct 19 02:23:41 UTC 2005

I set up Palm Tungsten T5 sync with evolution (2.2.3) for address,
calender and tasks, using gpilotd. It worked ok, except, it stops
synchronizing with calendar. I have tried options: synchronize, copy to
pilot or copy from pilot in pilot Conduits. It doesn't work.

At WinXp, everything works. how to fix it. I did not update evolution,
gnome etc.

how to fix it?

best regards,

for your informtion, here are steps for setting up.

1. add  following lines to /etc/udev/rules.d/20-pilot.rules

BUS=="usb",SYSfs{product}=="Palm Handheld",
KERNEL=="ttyUSB*",Name{ignore_remove}=="pilot", MODE=="188"

2. in file, /usr/share/gnome-pilot/devices.xml add following line

<!-- Palm Tungsten T5 -->
 <device vendor_id="0830" product_id="0061" />

3. start gpilotd and set sync options, called from Evolution=>tools=>
pilot setting up

my related rpms were from


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