the proper way to 'yum update' a new 'everything' install of FC4?

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at
Wed Oct 26 16:01:42 UTC 2005

Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> i just installed a new FC4 system -- an "everything" install -- and it
> can't be just plain "yum update"d because of some dependency issues.
> the errors are that the four kernel packages {gnbd,GFS,cman,dlm}-kernel
> claim to need /lib/modules/2.6.13-1.1526_FC4.

These out-of-tree kernel modules are currently lagging the regular kernel
updates.  If you aren't using them (if you have to ask what they are, you
aren't using them), just remove them.

> p.s.  i suspect i don't even *need* those four kernel packages and i could
> just delete them at which point the update would work, but i'm more
> interested in the solution for this in case something similar happens
> again WRT to other packages.  thanks.

These packages are a special case because: 1) they depend on the exact
kernel version to match and 2) they can't be released until after a new
kernel has been released.

IIRC the "Everything" install is the only one that installs these modules
by default.  A quick look at bugzilla doesn't even turn up a bug about
getting them updated.

William Hooper

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