Cannot upgrade kernel

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at
Thu Oct 27 21:42:57 UTC 2005

Horacio Ferrero wrote:

>When I try using yum to update my kernel (FC3) I get the following
>message : (I'm not so skilled on selinux things)
>--> Running transaction check
>--> Processing Conflict: kernel conflicts selinux-policy-targeted<
>--> Finished Dependency Resolution
>Error: kernel conflicts with selinux-policy-targeted< 1.17.30-3.16
>[horace at horace ~
>I've tried to put "disabled' on /etc/sysconfig/selinux but no changes to
>te present message are

There was a program installed which would not allow upgrades unless you 
removed kernels which were older than a certain level. It was not 
selinux, but a device manager program. do you have some very old kernels 
installed on your system still? If you do have some old kernels which 
you are not using, try to remove the older kernel versions that you are 
not using.

Disabling selinux does not sound like it would help. It sounds like you 
have an rpm database problem where selinux-policy-targeted is unhappy 
with the kernel which you want to install. This might be a bug or a 
snafu on your system.

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