Can't bind to dhcp address: Permission denied

valentin antonescu valduboisvert at
Fri Oct 28 15:39:32 UTC 2005

>Hanspeter Roth:
>>>> So what could be the cause?
>>> SELinux?
>Hanspeter Roth:
>> Yes, what should I check or change with about
>Well, you did *just* ask what could be the cause... 
>If you're using the GUI, you could run the "security
>level" tool and
>look through the SELinux options related to DHCP, and
>make adjustments
>where you see fit.
>I don't recall having any problems getting my DHCPD
>server running.
>You're not trying to run the client and the server on
>the same PC, are

 I had the same problem myself and I had to tweak
SELinux to make it work. Also make sure you open the
port 68 for access if you have a functional firewall.
But as Roth said and considering your error message it
seems to be SELinux related. As a simple diagnostic
you can try to turn off all SELinux settings related
with dhcpd. Type system-config-securitylevel in a
terminal, go to SELinux tab and turn off all the dhcpd
settings there. If after you do this your dhcpd works,
that means obviously that SELinux is at fault.




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