How to Install Clean Without Trashing /home or other usable data

Michael A. Peters mpeters at
Sat Oct 29 08:25:19 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 23:53 -0700, Michael A. Peters wrote:

> Perhaps I should write a script that automates that - it wouldn't be
> hard. That would preserve UID/GID and passwords.

script attached.
untested on a real upgrade scenario.
No guarantees, it might kill your cat but in testing, it only killed lab
rats - so your cat is probably safe.

It reads the /etc/{passwd,shadow,group} files and any UID's or GID's >
500 it copies into a new shell script that will update
the /etc/{passwd,shadow,group} files on a fresh install.

It is limited though.
For example, if you have added your user to group wheel - it won't carry
that forward (because wheel group is gid < 500 ) - you'll have to re-add
your user to the group wheel.

I'll test it on a "real upgrade via fresh install" when FC5 is released.
If I can get some more lab rats.
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