ELF Binary Stripper?

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 12 19:02:55 UTC 2005

Chris Stark wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-10-12 at 11:24 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
> [ snip -- well-written tirade :) ]
>>Since there is at least one person who posted a question on this
>>topic, I suppose there are others out there like me who are
>>annoyed and worried by this tool.

It appears that I was right.


> It seems like every day when I'm working, prelink inevitably launches
> when I'm doing something important and pegs my processor at 100% for
> often-times over two to three hours. Like Mike said, there's not really
> anything anywhere stating why I should just sit back and let my
> productivity be cut in half for a portion of every day while my system
> struggles to do ANYTHING other than prelink. 

I'm not surprised. I have a 2.70 GHz Celeron system, and it brings
my system to its knees for half an hour or more. But I suspect that
disc speed and number of files are more important than processor speed.
I have a relatively small disc.

> If the benefits and rationale for using prelink are documented anywhere,
> I sincerely would be interested in viewing this. Otherwise, the claim of
> it significantly speeding anything up is made moot by the fact that the
> system is virtually unusable when prelink is running.

Agreed 100%.

> I don't want this to turn into my own little tirade or a flamewar, but I
> do think Mike is justified in his claim that the software is of
> questionable value, especially if there is little information available
> other than firsthand experience of it behaving undesirably.

Thank you.

Also agreed. I posted a brief message. Apparently, more details of the
percieved problem were needed by some at RH, so I provided some.

RH, if you ever listen to your users, you should listen now.

People don't like their systems being taken over by software
and not know what that software is doing or why, and looking
for docs and finding that their systems are being brought to their
knees in order to make them "faster".

Don't criticize your users for wanting to be in control of their
own machines.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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