slave DNS server

Fajar Priyanto fajarpri at
Fri Oct 21 08:20:07 UTC 2005

On Friday 21 October 2005 11:03, Shu Hung (Koala) wrote:
> Dear all,
> How to setup a slave DNS in bind?
> Please Help.

Well, it's a long explanation, but in general the steps are:
1. Setup the master server and it's zones, then:
- in /etc/named.conf, put:
notify (ip number of slaves)

2. Setup the slave:
- define the zone in /etc/named.conf with: 
type slave
masters (ip number of master)

I strongly suggest you read the howto at
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial
15:20:06 up 1:00, 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 GNU/Linux 
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