5 inch floppies

Thomas Jollans tjollans at jollybox.de
Sat Sep 3 16:10:35 UTC 2005

Michael Hennebry wrote:

>I'm trying to read some old (duh) 5 inch
>floppies with a borrowed drive on an FC3 box.
>Probabaly there is more than one format,
>but I'm not sure which has which.
>The usual result is that I can read the
>directory by clicking on a KDE icon,
>but get I/O errors when trying to read any of the files.
>Trying to mount with a mount command also results
>in an I/O error.
>If I couldn't read the directory,
>I'd suppose that I was out of luck.
>Is there a reason that the directory
>would be easier to read than the files?
>Any ideas on how to read the files?
Hmmm... could it be that the floppy is somehow damaged ?
I have never used 5 inch floppies, but what I saw of them looked pretty 
easily damagable...

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