FTP Servers (again)

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at uni-x.org
Fri Sep 16 13:42:18 UTC 2005

Am Fr, den 16.09.2005 schrieb Brian D. McGrew um 0:31:

> My users are not just straight users that get a home directory and
> login.  I have customers.  Each customer has at least one site but most
> have several site.  Each customer site has multiple users.  So for
> example
> Customers
> |
> +--- Site 1
> |   +--- User1
> |   +--- User2
> |   +--- User3
> +--- Site 2
> |   +--- User1
> |   +--- User2
> |   +--- User3
> +--- Site 3
> |   +--- User1
> |   +--- User2
> |   +--- User3
> So each user needs to have their own directory at their respective site
> level and be able to get to ../ to the site directory and into their
> peers directory but not be able to cross the boundaries of a site.
> Unless of course they're designated as a CUSTOMER_SUPERUSER in which
> case they'll still have a home directory under their respective site but
> be able to access the entire customer specific folder and all that
> customers sites and users.
> That takes care of my customers and then I've got my employees who are
> in my staff group who need to have access to their real live Unix home
> directories as well as global access to the customer file-system.
> I'm hoping that someone has been on a project like this in the past and
> can recommend which FTP server to use and how to configure it.

> -brian

I am very sure that running ProFTPd you can do such kind of setup. I
guess Pure-FTPd is capable too. Both are available through the Fedora
Extras repository.
But let me suggest a different thing - which you may have to explain or
even demonstrate your chief. I am thinking of WebDAV. That has some
advantages above FTP, as FTP often enough has a problem with firewalling
and it requires a client. WebDAV on the other side uses for example the
same single port as HTTP (port 80), or if used securely with SSL
encryption a (target) port like 443. And you can use WebDAV with what
the GUI OS' ship: Windows® explorer, nautilus, konqueror, ...
Anyway how you finally set things up (FTP or WebDAV) there is the
question of UNIX® filesystem permissions. You at least have to work out
a group scheme or even use ACLs.
Another thought: I don't know whether you arein task of planning
masshosting or a different kind of website hosting. Maybe a CMS with an
advanced user permission system is something to consider. I have Zope
(maybe together with Plone) in mind. Both applications available through
Fedora Extras.


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG http://pgp.mit.edu 0xB366A773
legal statement: http://www.uni-x.org/legal.html
Fedora Core 2 GNU/Linux on Athlon with kernel 2.6.11-1.35_FC2smp 
Serendipity 15:30:41 up 25 days, 12:14, load average: 0.09, 0.11, 0.06 
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