installing Fedora w/o booting from CD

Fritz Whittington f.whittington at
Mon Sep 19 19:19:21 UTC 2005

On or about 2005-09-19 12:14, 
joao.miguel.ferreira.19740720 at whipped out a trusty #2 
pencil and scribbled:

>What you suggest is no longer possible. If you consult the instalation manuals
>of fc3 and fc4 you'll see it is written there (somewhere).
>I had the same problem and this is what I did:
>- downloaded a mini floppy distribuition called tomsrtbt, with all that is
>needed to format a filesystem and also containing wget
>- with wget I downloaded the install images (all files in directory isolinux of
>the first cdrom)
>- I created a GRUB floppy using gru-install and edited the grub.conf file to
>point to the install images
>- then I reboot the pc and grub booted, I choose to boot the install image and
>then I do a http or nfs install from anothet machine..
>that's it.
Couldn't you just create a GRUB floppy and use grub.conf to transfer 
boot the CD-ROM?

With something like
title BootCD
    rootnoverify (sda,0)
    chainloader +1

where (sda,0) needs to be changed to whatever the CD is. 

(I shouldn't make too many suggestions about things like this; only one 
of my five machines actually still has a floppy....)

Fritz Whittington
I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. And tomorrow isn't looking good either.

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